marți, 23 noiembrie 2010


There is no such thing as I can't...
During my entire life there was times in my life when i cried out those words,just to discover after that I've already stoped myself for even trying...As the book of Dr.Ben Carson - Think Big...i think that you must try first with everything you can, alocating time and resources to every dream/dare you must face.Yes, no one says is gone be easy, but is not imposibile...You should at least try...

duminică, 7 februarie 2010

I know life ain't easy and requires struggle and effort...
I knew that if I fail down to one of life's request I fail down to myself..I want to belive that I have the strength to wake up every morning and move forward.To wake up and belive that the new day is a gift, a gift I have to apreciate and live acording to God's commands...But to keep on going, to follow His path, His way, is not an easy job, still is not imposible either.It's a decision i have to take every day.It's a fight I have to win.I fight with myself first of all, and I fight with this world.We are surounded by temptations. This world dares you to take an easy-way out.To compromise yourself and your belives.Feeds your fears, weaknesses, dessires...Everything is there just to take it and forget about God's will for your life. Forget that God conquered the world and that NOTHING IS IMPOSIBLE WHEN YOU HAVE GOD BY YOUR SIDE!
I dare saying my life is like a roller coaster, but i want God to be the one that rides along with me!

by Zokelyna

joi, 4 februarie 2010

M-am nascut...Si?

M-am nascut...
Am pornit in aceasta lume nesigura pe mine, si nu am stiut, copil fiind, care sunt responsabilitatile si problemele pe care oamenii trebuie sa le infrunte.
Aveam propria mea lume si nimic in jur nu ma afecta...
De unde era sa stiu ca viata era mai mult decat un joc...
De unde era sa stiu ca cei din jur vor fi afectati de deciziile pe care eu le iau si tot odata vor avea puterea sa ma ridice sau sa ma doboare...
Nimeni nu m-a avertizat, nu mi-au spus ca atunci cand voi creste voi trebui sa pasesc in lumea aceasta, sa traiesc si in fiecare zi sa iau decizii.
Decizii care pot face ca viata sa se intoarca radical la 90°...Si m-am dus la gradinita, scoala, liceu, si parca peste tot am inceput la fel...Am trait cu frica...
O frica care nu dispare cu bataia vantului...O frica de esec, de neadaptare...
Frica de a nu ramane singura...
Frica nu trece, dar hotararea de a merge in fiecare zi inainte indiferent de temeriile mele, asta este ceea ce am hotarat ..Ceea ce eu invat...Zi de zi...
Da ...Azi aleg sa nu bat pasu pe loc...
Azi aleg sa invat sa merg, chiar si atunci cand mi-e frica...
By Zokelyna!
"Write today’s worries in sand. Chisel yesterday’s victories in stone." Max Lucado